jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Trivia of the life of Albert Einstein

Pedro Danilo Beltran
Trivia of the life of Albert Einstein
For him, to be a genius you have to be a little crazy.
Einstein - Pie, Einstein had facilities for mathematics and science but not for languages. Photo: alberteinstein.info
The life of Albert Einstein, one of the most important scientists in history, has been plagued with curiosities. Surely no one had predicted that this little German born who, it is said, began to speak correctly at age 9 was going to be who finally was.
Even at birth the back form of her brain is said to be so strange that her family believed she had a malformation. However, when he was 5 years old, his father's gift of a girlfriend while he was in sick bed aroused his interest in the science that motivated him to reformulate the concept of gravity and create the famed Special Theory of Relativity in 1905.
As it is narrated in the books, it had to attend to particular classes to be able to pass the test of admission to the university given that although it had approved the ones of science and mathematics it had not been able with the ones of languages, histories and geography.
He went from being a simple employee of a patent company in Switzerland to becoming the most prestigious scientist. His brain, once deceased in 1955, is preserved to this day.
According to the researchers who analyzed it, it had a greater number of glial cells, compared to a normal brain, located in the part responsible for the synthesis of information.
Next, we will review 15 great sentences of his authorship, published in the portalMuyintersantes.es
- "The mind is like a parachute ... It only works if we have it open"
- "We are all very ignorant. What happens is that we do not all ignore the same things"
- "Imagination is more important than knowledge"
- "The greatest mystery in the world is that it is understandable"
- "Everything should be simplified as much as possible, but no more"
- "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources"
- "All science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thought"
- "Education is what remains once we forget everything you learned in school"
- "The important thing is not to stop asking questions"
- "I never think about the future, it comes too soon"
- "Two things are infinite: human stupidity and the universe, and I am not sure of the second"
- "Not everything that counts can be quantified, and not everything that can be quantified counts"
- "Madness is doing the same thing over and over again hoping to get different results"
- "First you have to learn the rules of the game, and then play better than anyone else"
- "There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will"

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Albert Einstein: What is his house like?


Albert Einstein, likes grandres and luxurious homes, so build your house on a daily basis.

And will make many balconies so you can see all the scenery.

He builds a beautiful entrance which will put a big gate and you can feel comfortable and quiet to get in and out of his luxurious home.

In the house of Albert Einstein, there is a library with all kinds of books, classified and dividos by its content, which may find literary works, economy, politics, history, religion, mathematics, physics etc.

He builds a living room, to serve its clients, guests, partners or colleagues.

Einstein's house is very spacious and can build windows where he meditates its major projects and contemplates nature.

Einstein, has its own study room where you take your time to be alone and concentrate on their scientific projects.

home also has several large bedrooms, luxurious where large comfortable beds, no hot tubs in each bedroom, and these have a breathtaking view of its private lake.

He works in the construction of a music room, to practice in their spare time, but he should not take music as a hobby because it is another talent besides his mind prodiguiosa

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Albert Einstein Personal Information

Jose Edgar Perdomo

 Personal Information
Albert Einstein was born in the Bavarian town Germany on March 14, 1879 and is considered the most important scientific the XX century.  He said that to be a genius must be a little crazy.
Little Albert was a quiet, self-absorbed child, and had a slow intellectual development, began to speak correctly at 9 years
He went from being a simple employee of a patent in Switzerland to become the most prestigious scientific.
In 1915 he presented the theory of general relativity, which completely reformulated the concept of gravity.
Your brain, once died on April 18, 1955, it is preserved to this day.

Albert Einstein, Activities he likes and dislikes


Albert Einstein liked to play the violin, liked being with a doll of himself, liked to enjoy the countryside on a blanket enjoying nature, he liked to go to the beach and sit on the rocks, he liked cycling , He liked to be in his home studio. Although many people think that Einstein spent his locked and totally absorbed in their investigations, the truth is also rather enjoyed their days outdoors sailboat sailing with. He fell in love with the practice when he attended college at the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, in the drawers of Einstein, hardly they come to find a pair of socks. That's because, in addition to his disheveled hair, one of the peculiar customs of Einstein was rarely used these garments. At a time when smoking was totally acceptable and no one knew of its health risks, like many people, Einstein also loved smoking cigarettes and cigars, snuff used to consume even from a pipe.